Client Moodboard: Rustic, Warm, & Inviting
I have a few projects in the early phases of design right now, and the early stage is always full of exploration, both myself and the client seeking to realize their vision for their new brand identity to come. I'm really glad I've started doing more mood boards, because it gets everyone excited about starting the design phase, and something solid to refer to as we move forward.
Image sources from left to right and top to bottom:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
This mood board is for a country singer who is debuting his first new songs on his website to come. His songs tell stories that are intimate and relatable, sometimes sad or full of love and longing. He loves the idea of his website inviting visitors in, like a respectable old bar or someone's front porch. I can't wait to share future developments!