recent inspirations

After my stay at the spa (hospital), I was released on good behavior. I enjoyed a few days of beautiful weather, porch sitting, playing with some new gouache, and spending time with my sweet dog (and of course my sweet husband). but it seems I am back in the hospital for the duration of this pregnancy, and i'm still determined to make the time useful.  

One thing the hospital has is Internet access, and I have spent a lot of time getting inspired, doing research for my business, and learning some new skills. I stumbled upon an online learning platform called Skillshare and I am now addicted. I'm currently taking a creative business class, but am drooling over hand-lettering, web design, poster design, and a whole host of other interesting-sounding classes (map making?!), usually for just $20 for a four week class. it's also a great way to learn about other artists and designers based on who is teaching and enrolled in the classes.


I happened upon Jessica Hische on Pinterest, an illustrator and letterer who also offers a number of articles, lectures, and videos for designers and creatives that i've found really useful. Artist lectures are a great way to get a glimpse of someone else's process and learn more about new approaches and techniques. I connect with Hische in particular because it's clear her interests are so varied, which makes me feel better since I am the same way!

Hische in process from her interview on ModCloth

(One thing I admire about Hische is that she starts with a sketch, and rather than scanning it in as many artists do, she uses it as a reference and draws with her mouse or trackpad. Similar to the way some artists will draft back and forth between page and computer screen.)


As I mentioned recently, I've had the good fortune to spend time brainstorming, scheming, and dreaming with my business-minded creative friends Kristin Sullivan Calhoun (her blog here, and pssssst, a new website coming in the future!) and Celia Kahle (founder of Story Creek Studio, which I recommend any Columbus parents check out!). We have a very exciting project we plan to unveil later this summer, and I value these ladies and their wonderful friendship and ideas so much.


Now that I know I will be in the hospital longterm, I am trying to make plans for my days. making lots of lists, goals, trying to use my limited resources to make projects happen from a bed. looking forward to more time to devote to my role as online editor for Black Ocean, and of course to refining my business plan. i've really enjoyed getting to do some design and art projects on the side the past few years, but i am so ready to let the maker & creator part of me just be a natural extension rather than something that gets attention every now and then. though i cannot fully anticipate how motherhood will fit in with all of that, i still see the creativity and nurturing as a natural fit with all of my other loves and interests.


Happy memorial day, everyone. Enjoy some sunshine and the loves in your life!




learning, waiting.