Various book, PDF, and graphic designs below.
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Book Design + Layout
Written as a sort of recipe book for design, the book catalogs the process of natural dyeing. The layouts are customized throughout, with type and color creating a cohesive flow. (View full interior by clicking below)
Brochure Template
The DIA hosts a patron gala each year to secure donors. A template was designed to detail each donor level clearly and to preview the party’s theme.
Email Newsletter
Part of a series of emails to invite new attendees to join Goodwill. Custom icons created to coordinate with existing brand elements.
PDF Workbook Design
Designed as a more intensive workbook to pair with live teaching and instruction. The printed workbook also included a large fold-out section that allowed attendees to plan the first quarter for their businesses.
PDF E-book
A research-heavy guide with space for reflection; intended for home-printing as well as screen viewing. Designed to feel soothing as well as an informative tool for those who had experienced birth trauma.
Flyer Design
Healthy Living Medical Supply provides diabetic medical supplies. The flyer needed to share that in a visual, upbeat way. Custom icons were created to illustrate and unify the design.
Journal Design