Plan Big: Week by Week

It's a new year, and there's even a fresh blanket of snow to go with it here in Michigan. I love the chance to start anew, make goals and plans, to dream big--and so I always welcome the new year, and the opportunity to make resolutions and all the optimism that comes with it. Though I'm a fan of big ideas, I try to keep my life simple, and find balance where I can. My hopes for this year involve seeking out community and cultivating new relationships locally, spending more time reflecting, seeing, and creating, and being present and engaged, especially with loved ones. IMG_3117

I do best when I break my goals up into small manageable tasks, so I decided to make a simple weekly to-do calendar that I can tape below my keyboard. Planning out daily tasks helps me stay on schedule for client projects, as well as to make room for some of my own. A small slip of paper like this helps keep my to-do list from becoming unwieldy, while still allowing me to accomplish something. Keeping it out where I can see it reminds me of my biggest goals for the week even when I'm playing with Alma or focusing on something else (without getting overwhelmed or too distracted).


This year, I plan to share more of my projects, process, and inspirations with you here on my blog, and I'd also like to send out a newsletter (on occasion) with updates and resources. If you could use a little weekly list and maybe monthly inspiration, you can sign up for my newsletter (a simple signup to the right of this post, or with just the check of a box when commenting on my blog) and you'll receive my weekly to-do slips as a welcome. This printable includes 4 slips to a page, with faint pink lines as guides for cutting them down to size. Pin them to a wall, tape them to your desk, or paste them in a notebook, and have fun getting things done.

What plans do you have for the year? Do you like to plan big, small, or both?


The Best Thing I've Read This Week (1)


Creating Your Own Website: Content Planning & Finding a Theme